Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Service

Today, Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. spoke at Sisters Chapel. For those that do not know Rev. Wright, in 1972, he became pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. President Barack Obama, his wife, and family became a member of Trinity United Church of Christ in 1992. Rev. Wright married the Obamas and also baptized Sasha and Malia. Many of us heard about Rev. Wright while President Obama was campaigning for president.

The title of Rev. Wright message was “Are we there yet?” and one of the best parts of Rev. Wright’s message was when he said, "SWAG means Stepping With Almighty God."

As believers of a faith we all are trying to get to the “Promised Community” known as Heaven for some of us and in the mean time we should have a “Beloved Community” on earth. The idea of the “Beloved Community” comes for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rev. King’s dream was for all of us to come together as one and create a peaceful and loving community. Rev. Wright asked us “are we there yet?” Do we have a “Beloved Community?” According to Rev. Wright, no, we do not have a “Beloved Community.” What are your thoughts? I think it’s important whether one is religious or not, to know what kind of community s/he lives in. Please share your thoughts.

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